Continue from last edition: “G.V fanatics” lash out at womanhood; used profanities as weapon in “debate” Though it is not my intention to in any way to add to the pains and insults already inflicted upon Massa Washington, neither do I take pleasure re-posting (in parts or whole), lewd comments by irresponsible men directed […]
Ever since the end of its long civil war, Liberia has had to struggle to fix its broken education sector. Public and private efforts have been marshaled against this gargantuan challenge. But the challenge remains. However, Liberians are not perturbed and one of such who have made a commitment to see the country though this […]
An estimated 8,000 people gathered in Austurvöllur square in front of Alþingi, Iceland’s parliament, yesterday afternoon to protest against the government’s proposed withdrawal from European Union accession talks. Several prominent Icelanders held speeches at the protest, which concluded with audio clips – from before the election – of Prime Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson and Finance […]
The chairperson of the African Union Commission, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, has expressed her outrage at continuing acts of barbarism and terrorism perpetuated on innocent people by unscrupulous individuals and groups reigning havoc in Nigeria, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Somalia and other countries since the beginning of this year. “These senseless killings of innocent children, […]
Ed Fast, Canada’s minister of international trade, and Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, Cameroon’s minister of economy, planning and regional development, today signed the Canada-Cameroon Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA). The signing took place at the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) International Convention, Trade Show and Investors Exchange in Toronto. A FIPA is […]
An official of the Liberian embassy in France says ambassador-designate C. William Allen will take up his assignment soon. In a letter to Nordic Africa News recently, Isaac C. Yeah, minister counselor for press and public affairs at the embassy, said no mysterious forces were preventing the ambassador from taking up the post, to which […]
African leaders, civil society and youth groups today mark Africa Environment Day, which seeks to accelerate action on the numerous pressing environmental challenges facing the continent. Maseru, in the Kingdom of Lesotho, is the regional host of the 12th annual celebration, which is focused on the theme Combating Desertification in Africa: Enhancing Agricultural […]
A decade and half old brutal war that left nearly 300,000 dead and ruined whatever infrastructures left of the economic-deprived West African nation of Liberia, no doubt created deep mistrust and hatred between key war-actors and their victims now living abroad, mainly, the United States. Even though the bloodbath ended more than a decade ago, […]
He started his first business venture as a street vendor with capital of just $200 but two decades later Fomba Trawally has become one of Liberia’s most prominent businessmen. Like many in his country, Trawally fled Liberia in 1989 to escape the West African country’s ruinous civil war. He found refuge in The Gambia but […]
A charity will be launched in honour of the late Dr David Memba Troko. The Dave Troko Eden Charity will work towards the realisation of the dreams of the late medical practitioner by bringing relief to the destitute in Liberia through the alleviation of ignorance, poverty and disease. Presenting the Dave Troko Foundation during memorial […]