Nearly 25 million food insecure in Sahel

Food security and malnutrition rates across the Sahel are deteriorating, due in large part to ongoing conflict and instability in the Central African Republic (CAR), northern Mali, and northeast Nigeria, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Nearly five million more people have joined the ranks of the food insecure […]

Flydubai expands operations in East Africa

Dubai-based flydubai’s inaugural flights to Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar touched down on Wednesday, October 22 in Tanzania. The new routes further underline flydubai’s rapid expansion in Africa, which has seen the carrier’s network double to 12 destinations this year. The airline entered the market in 2009 with flights to Djibouti, and in 2011 Addis Ababa became […]

Governments must prevent attacks on journalists

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of freedom of opinion and expression, David Kaye, calls upon all governments to take steps to prevent attacks on journalists and to hold accountable those who commit them. On the first annual International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, the human rights expert […]

Searching for justice in Central African Republic

As the International Criminal Court (ICC) steps up its work in the Central African Republic (CAR), pledging to bring the worst perpetrators of violence to justice, concerted efforts are being made to counter endemic impunity in CAR. But the prevailing insecurity in many parts of the country rules out any quick fix solutions. ICC Prosecutor […]

Sweden recognizes Palestinian state

The Swedish government has formally recognized Palestine as a state Thursday morning, following through with its earlier promise by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven to acknowledge their sovereignty claim. Speaking to reporters, Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom said the territory has fulfilled the “criteria of international law” adding that Palestine had both “a territory, a people and […]

Africa dominates list of most improved economies

Five of the top 10 countries with the most improved economies since the previous year are in sub-Saharan Africa, according to the World Bank Group’s Doing Business 2015 rankings.   The five African countries are Benin, Togo, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Other nations making the list are Tajikistan, Trinidad and Tobago, Azerbaijan, Ireland, […]

Ebola: Shortage of experienced doctors

The difficulty of finding doctors with field experience is hampering international medical intervention to help curb Ebola in West Africa. Fear of contracting the virus and restricted air travel have also slowed the response. During a visit to the three most affected countries that began in Guinea this weekend, the US ambassador to the United […]

Convention on the Rights of the Child to become law

Children have rights – the right to life, play and learning. This means all children: regardless of whether your name is Maria or Mariam and whether you live in Borlänge or Bamako. This November marks 25 years since the UN adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. So far, 193 countries have undertaken […]

Open letter to President Sirleaf: Resign now

Dear President Sirleaf: Indulge us, in this manner, to accentuate that your ascendency to power in Liberia brought hope to many after the tumultuous years of the civil war and the subsequent and misguided leadership of President Charles Taylor. To many Liberians, the egregious events that transpired in the years preceding your leadership could not […]

The state of state-building in Somalia

A fence-mending deal signed this month by Somalia and Puntland has variously been hailed as a blueprint for stability and state-building in the wake of decades of civil war, and dismissed as a recipe for renewed inter-clan violence. The 14 October agreement between the Mogadishu-based Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and the autonomous Puntland State […]