Liberia: LAC dedicates new radio studio, school bus

By Draper C. Tolborh Sr
The Liberian Agricultural Company (LAC) late last month dedicated a new 1000-watt FM transmitter and a refurbished studio for its radio station, LACSA Radio.
A new school bus was also dedicated during the program held at the company’s premises in Grand Bassa County.
The event commenced with an invocation by Reverend Father Jonathan Aidoo, Priest-in-charge of the St. Joseph Workers Parish.
In remarks, LAC’s human resource and administrative official Harry M. Attoh cautioned the radio staff not to use the station as a football pitch to train people.
He said that only two interns are currently at the station and every staff of the radio station must follow the proper channel when it comes to the discharge of their duty.
He frowned on some radio staff that are in the habit of allowing friends to prohibited areas of the station.
Mr. Attoh added that programs that will be aired on the radio should impact the lives of the community.
He called on radio personalities to watch their diction, adding that the management will not hesitate to discipline institute anyone who refuses to carry on his or her task.

The president of the Liberian Agricultural Company Staff Association (LACSA) Momolu Johnson lauded the management for its tireless efforts.
He stressed that with a modern state of the art studio, LACSA Radio is indeed competing with other radio stations in Liberia.
Mr. Johnson said that during his first term, he vowed that he was going to refurbished the studio something that has come to fruition.
He said parents of students are overjoyed that the LAC management added a bus to its fleet of buses taking students to and from school.
For his part, the general manager of LAC Vijay Maira said the dedication of the bus and the new studio equipment are a milestone for the company.
He noted it has been a challenge for students to get to school.
Mr. Maira admonished the drivers to take very good care of the vehicle.
He said the new radio equipment is a modern one and it should be handle with care.