Liberian disapora conference this weekend in US

A major Liberian diaspora conference is slated for this weekend in the United States.
The All Liberian Diaspora Conference is scheduled for Friday and Saturday in Silverspring, Maryland.
It will bring together several Liberian diaspora organizations to discuss issues like immigration protection, Liberia’s economic future, women and children, dual citizenship, war crimes in Liberia and the welfare of all Liberians.
Speakers lined-up include Counselor Jerome Verdier, former chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Liberia; Ambassador Steven Rapp, former US Ambassador at large for War Crimes Issues; Dr. Anthony Chan, former director of USAID in Liberia and Counselor Seward Cooper, a former presidential legal advisor in Liberia.
The Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas, European Federation of Liberian Associations and groups from Australia, Ghana, Canada, among others, are expected to attend the event.