UCLG Africa executives meet in Kenya

The 29th ordinary session of the Executive Committee of United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) took place on June 3rd 2023, at Ciala Resorts in Kisumu, Kenya.
The proceedings were led by Mrs. Fatimetou Abdel Malick, President of the Region of Nouakchott (Mauritania) and President of UCLG Africa, in the presence of 12 of the 18 members of the Executive Committee.
In her introductive speech, she expressed her joy “to return to Kisumu, the city that hosted the last Africites Summit during which the current members of the Executive Committee of UCLG Africa were elected.
“We can never thank enough the Governor of Kisumu County, The Council of Governors of Kenya and the Government of Kenya, for the quality of the welcome we received at the Africities Summit and for the resounding success of this 9th edition of the Summit with over 13,000 delegates, a participation record broken, even though the Summit was being held in an intermediate city for the very first time. Once again, thank you and bravo!.”
Governor of Kisumu, Prof. Peter Anyang’ Nyongo’o, welcomed participants and particularly, the Deputy Governor of Cairo : “This meeting brings back nostalgic feelings when the family of decentralized governments gathered here last year for the Africities conference.
“It is indeed a privilege and honor for this honorable Committee to have chosen Kisumu for this 29th Session. Let me take this opportunity to recognize in a special way, the Deputy Governor of Cairo Governorate who are the flag bearers for the next Africities to be held in 2025.”
Members received from the Deputy Governor Of Cairo, Mr. Ibrahim Saber Khalil, the assurance that Africities 2025 in Cairo will follow in the footsteps of Kisumu.
The 29th session of the Executive Committee was mainly devoted to the approval of the 2022 financial accounts of the organization and review the implementation of the 2023 UCLG Africa action plan in consistency with the 2021-2030 development strategy of UCLG Africa, also known as the Governance, Advocacy Program for Decentralized Development in Africa (GADDEPA 2.0).
The Executive Committee adopted the 2022 financial report and audit accounts of the organization, and gave discharge to the Secretary General of UCLG Africa, Mr. Jean Pierre Elong Mbassi, for the management of the financial year 2023.