Young Nigerian business owners meet

Over 1000 carefully selected entrepreneurs made up of young business owners residing in Nigeria and in the Diaspora will be meeting at the NAF Conference Centre in Abuja on the 3rd – 4th of August for the debut of the highly anticipated Young Nigerians CEO’s Conference and Exhibition 2015. The conference with the theme, “Promoting […]
Prisons ignoring the rights of Ivorian youth

Hundreds of children are being kept behind bars in Cote d’Ivoire’s overcrowded adult prisons waiting on trial dates due to the country’s broken post-crisis criminal justice system. According to Ivorian law, the accused have 15 days to be charged before a judge, but this deadline is rarely enforced and many accused – among them […]
How the world reacted to Sweden’s Eurovision win

The world’s press were – more or less – united in their praise for Måns Zelmerlöw’s Heroes, Sweden’s winning entry in this year’s Eurovision Zelmerlöw won Sweden’s sixth Eurovision ahead of Russia and Italy, and many newspapers picked up on Zelmerlöw’s barb aimed at Russia’s anti-gay legislation of recent years. “We are all heroes, and […]