Liberia’s 2017 elections in retrospect

In his inaugural address on 22 of January, 2018, the new President of Liberia, Mr. George M. Weah, said that “today, Liberians have reached an important stage on the road to freedom, justice and democracy …“. In fact, it was the end-2017 elections that, for a variety of reasons, some of which were presented in […]

Liberians voted for equal fighting chance

Registered voters in 14 of the 15 counties of Liberia voted overwhelmingly for George Manneh Weah for president over Joseph N. Boakai for equal fighting chance. They voted to end the old patronage political culture, which has been killing the country for more than a century; Jarwinken Wiah writes. Equal fighting chance is the one […]

South Africa’s Strategic Priorities for Reform and Renewal

Cyril Ramaphosa has come to power in South Africa as the head of a party and government deeply divided between reformists and those with a vested interest in maintaining entrenched patronage relationships. Under Jacob Zuma, corruption and abuse of office reached alarming levels, sapping public trust and costing the ruling ANC significant support. Zuma faces […]

Sweden’s Foreign Policy Statement for 2018

On 14 February, Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström presented the 2018 Statement of Foreign Policy in the Riksdag (Parliament): Mr/Madam Speaker, Honourable Members, Representatives of the Diplomatic Corps, Ladies and Gentlemen, This year marks 100 years since the Riksdag decided to make the right to vote universal and equal for both women and men. […]

Protecting children today prevents conflicts tomorrow

In Yemen, one child dies every ten minutes because of extreme hunger and disease resulting from conflict. Close to 10 million children remain at risk; bearing the brunt of a crisis that they hold no responsibility for, or control over. In Syria, schools – where children should find safety – are regularly attacked; denying them […]

Sirleaf’s legacy: Lots of talk but little progress

The first elected woman head of state in Africa, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, has just stepped down from her office in Liberia. Her successor George Weah assumed the position on 22 January 2018. In a recent interview with CNN entitled “Why Africa owes a debt of gratitude to Ellen Johnson Sirleaf”, President Sirleaf and journalist Chude […]

‘President Weah is well on track’

Rural life is enjoyable most especially from tiny Kelgbeh Village. With not much human and mechanical traffic, I can ably peruse Liberia’s 24th President, George Manneh Weah inaugural speech; I. Solo Kelgbeh writes.  His speech is arguably one of the best ever delivered since 1847. It didn’t however outclassed promises, hopes and expectations raised by […]

Liberia: President Weah’s inaugural speech

Distinguish Ladies and Gentlemen My fellow citizens, I am humbled and thankful for the trust and hope you have put in me. I am filled with joy and pride to see so many friends from across the world join us in celebrating what is truly an historic moment for our country. To all our citizens […]

Three reasons why Weah will struggle to deliver

On December 26, 2017, Liberians voted in a delayed run-off presidential elections which was postponed by the country’s Supreme Court on November 6. The run-off election was between Senator George Weah, now President-elect, from the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), and Vice President Joseph Boakai, of the ruling Unity Party (UP). It had been scheduled […]

George Weah’s uphill task of pro-poor governance

The 2017 presidential election runoff has taken place and the National Election Commission (NEC) has announced the result.  Opposition leader, Senator George Weah of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) has won. The ruling Unity Party (UP) of Vice President Joseph Boakai has accepted the results. Vice President Boakai deserves credit for accepting defeat graciously, […]