Liberia at 172: What are we celebrating?

Liberia, by any standard, is a blessed nation. With abundant natural resources, talented population, good climate, you wonder why it is occupying the unenviable position it is amongst the countries of the world after the post-Independence brief spell as an internationally acclaimed African country, Seltue Karweaye writes. Liberia has more natural resources than most emerging […]
Weah’s speech at launch of ‘She’s You’ movement

It gives me great pleasure to stand here today to launch the She’s You Movement, which is the flagship program of my dear wife, Her Excellency Ambassador Clar Marie Weah, First Lady of the Republic of Liberia, in her national advocacy campaign for the empowerment of women and girls in our beloved country. But, before […]
Sweden: Ministerial meeting on nuclear disarmament

We, the participating states – Argentina, Canada, Finland, Ethiopia, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland – to the Stockholm Ministerial Meeting on Nuclear Disarmament and the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), met today to discuss how nuclear disarmament can be advanced. We are one year away from […]
Liberia: Full text of President Weah’s speech to the nation

Fellow Liberians: Four months ago, during my State of the Nation address, I reported to you that the state of the nation remains strong. This is still true today, as I deliver my second major national address in 2019. I wish to speak today to you, fellow citizens, my brothers and my sisters, on […]
Mueller: Let election be start of a new day

Just after the 2014 senatorial elections in Liberia, Michael Geegbae Mueller, who unsuccessfully contested for a senate seat, issued the below statement, which is relevant today in the light of current political tensions in the country: Despite the Ebola crisis, our mother country, Liberia has held successful elections and avoided a potentially catastrophic constitutional […]
Africa must unleash power of its financial markets

With Africa’s population expected to overtake China’s by 2025, the continent’s economic potential is undeniable. At a time of slowing global growth, the world is starting to take notice of Africa’s fast-growing population and markets, and the opportunities they hold. Between 2010 and 2016, more than 320 embassies were opened in Africa, while global investment […]
Liberia: President Weah’s tough choices

By Seltue R. Karweaye ( Liberia is a nation of over 4.7 million people with one of the lowest electricity access rates in the world (at approximately 12%, USAID). Ethnic, religious and political issues have skyrocketed to an all-time high. Infant and maternal mortality are among the highest in the world. Education and health systems […]
Lawrence’s death: Liberian government must be blamed

Under Ex-President Ellen Sirleaf’s regime, the suspicious deaths of two prominent figures, a lawyer and an opposition politician, by ‘drowning’ in the Atlantic Ocean, stood out. Now in just a little over one year into the new George Weah’s regime, it too, is fast gaining a reputation for itself in the wake of sudden deaths […]
Why do some Africans, Afro-Caribbean immigrants reject psychiatric help in Europe?
By Fokumlah Nchungong Saying goodbye to your family and embarking on an uncertain adventure is always a bitter-sweet emotional waterfall. The journey to Europe is always unique for every African. The reason for traveling varies. From economic migrants, educational purposes, political escapes, societal discomfort,… and so on. The path to arrive […]
Biracial appearance – the bullying

“I wish I could have chosen my parents, maybe they will be your parents- if that makes you happy now.” Words coming out of Martin (12 years old), in a heated and furious argument with his classmate – Fredrik who had just coded the N-word by calling him “sunshine”, Fokumlah Nchungong writes They were […]