Liberia: Agnes Reeves Taylor versus the truth

On July 27, 2020, Agnes Reeves Taylor, who recently left the United Kingdom (UK), held a press conference in Monrovia, Liberia, during which she spoke in great detail about her incarceration and the torture case against her in the UK. Ms Reeves Taylor stated that the purpose of the press conference was to “set the […]
Leadership curse: A review of the Liberian legislature

By Seltue Karweaye For any society to prosper, it needs to have a government to run its affairs. The government helps to sustain the social contract that binds every member of the state. Thus, the price that is paid for a state to be prosperous is for it to have an established government that enforces […]
God is Liberia’s hope for genuine recovery

By Alexander Redd Inherently, framers of the Liberian Constitution wholeheartedly proclaimed the birth and survival of the Republic of Liberia solely on the gracious reliance and guidance of the one and true Divine God (not many gods). For Christians, the Constitution’s Preamble that acknowledges and proclaims this reality, is the manifestation of fundamental principles and […]
Infrastructure is so much more than bricks and mortar

By Carl Manlan and Michael Mapstone Often when people speak about the need for infrastructure development in Africa, they are discussing bricks and mortar, improved physical structures such as transportation links, hospitals and schools. But creating a world in which the African continent can truly flourish and provide long term stability and growth for millions of people […]
Liberia: State of emergency and freedom of expression

By Atty. Urias Teh Pour The surge of the global COVID-19 pandemic has provided compelling reason for states to impose restrictive measures, some in the form of health protocols to beat back the spread of the deadly disease. These measures have provoked debate, essentially around the nature and scope of these restrictions vis a vis […]
Liberia’s state of emergency: Role of security officers

By Atty. Bowoulo T. Kelley The novel coronavirus plagued the world so swiftly that it was described by the head of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus as ‘an unprecedented outbreak that had met an unprecedented response’, as the virus continued to spread around the globe with an increase in the number of confirmed cases […]
Book review: a scholar, activist and adventurer

By Nvasekie N. Konneh To write a memoir is a brave act. It simply means to bare your soul to the world. To lay it all out there about you, your family and friends, some of your inner most secrets. If you decide to write a memoir, you will be confronted with question as which part […]
Fear not Covid-19 but God

By Alexander Redd When we see people stream to supermarkets and other stores to stock up on anything they can find, we are reminded of two things: brevity of life and brewing fear and anxiety. In hindsight, many thought of COVID-19 outbreak would be only a Chinese problem. As death toll globally grew, a palpable […]
When will Liberia go from transition

By: Jarwinken Wiah Free and fair elections are the foundation of all forms of democracy. In representative democracies, elections are the tools that citizens must use to practically hold political parties, candidates and incumbent governments accountable for their promises and performance. Even though there are legal or constitutional grounds for monitoring or requiring politicians to […]
Be the light of Liberia’s future

By Alexander Redd We are clamoring for lasting change in Liberia, and hoping that we change the way and manner in which we treat each other and focus on uniting our efforts to rebuild our country. It’s a fact that we have experienced many turbulent course of historical events that divide us rather than unite […]