FIFA Secretary General talks at World Football Summit

FIFA’s Secretary General Fatma Samoura took part in the closing session of the World Football Summit Live today in a wide ranging discussion that covered disruption, wokeness and the impact of the FIFA Covid-19 Relief Plan on global football. In an interview led by South African broadcaster Carol Tshabalala, Fatma Samoura spoke about the effect the Covid-19 […]
Sweden: Current measures to fight Covid-19

This article is about the work of Sweden’s Ministry of Health and Social Affairs in response to the COVID-19 virus. It discusses the current measures in health and social care and health and social care staff. Maximum of eight participants should be normative for all of society The coming weeks are crucial to stop the […]
Norway increases support for Ethiopian refugees

“I am very concerned about the grave humanitarian consequences of the conflict in the Tigray region in Ethiopia. The civilian population has been severely affected, and thousands of people are being forced to flee every day,” says Norway’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide. She adds, “Norway will provide approximately NOK 27 million (about […]
Trial of Liberian war crimes suspect partially postponed

Switzerland’s Federal Criminal Court has announced that the trial of Liberian war crimes suspect Alieu Kosiah will be partially postponed until the beginning of next year – tentatively in February. The court has decided to only proceed with the preliminary questions and the hearing of the defendant from December 3 to December 11, 2020. The rest of the trial […]
European Council meets on COVID-19 pandemic

Coordinated crisis responses and deployment of vaccines were two of the issues that Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven discussed when he met other European Union (EU) leaders via a video conference of the European Council on Thursday afternoon. The heads of state and government also considered the negotiations on the EU’s long-term budget. The EU […]
Online trading becoming more attractive in Africa

By Jay Mawji While the International Monetary Fund acknowledges the damaging recession effects of Covid-19 in Africa, the economic outlook for the continent remains optimistic as the introduction of technologies brings with it accessibility and exposure to economic and personal finance possibilities. The financial knowledge and capabilities in Africa are often misunderstood by many outside […]
Index highlights decline in African governance

The 2020 Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG), launched today by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, highlights a decline in African governance performance for the first time since 2010. The 2019 African average score for Overall Governance falls by -0.2 points below that of 2018, registering the first year-on-year score deterioration since 2010. This recent decline […]
Global commitment to strengthen gender equality

Under the theme “Development Banks as Actors for Change towards Gender Equality,” the African Development Bank’s Director for Gender, Women and Civil Society Vanessa Moungar joined high-level representatives from global financial institutions, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and UN Women in signing a joint declaration on gender equality to strengthen their commitment at all levels.The declaration […]
COVID-19: Sweden extends measures for businesses

The Swedish government has announced that several measures taken to support Swedish jobs and businesses through the COVID-19 crisis will be extended. These include short-term lay-offs, deferral of tax payments, reorientation support and turnover-based support to sole traders. The proposals are based on an agreement between the government parties, the Centre Party and the Liberal […]
20 finalists for African businesswomen awards

The Africa Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (AWIEF), a leading pan-African entrepreneurship and innovation non-profit, has announced the top finalists for the 2020 edition of its AWIEF Awards. The annual AWIEF Awards, through a nomination process, identifies and celebrates the best female entrepreneurs across multiple industries in Africa. Promoting and supporting excellence in entrepreneurship and […]