EFLA raises money for diaspora conference

EFLA Secretary General Francis Mensah
The European Federation of Liberian Associations (EFLA) is raising funds for the successful hosting of the All Liberian Diaspora Conference slated for next month in the United States.
EFLA secretary general Francis Mensah posted on the social media that “the four partners to the conference were each charged the amount of $2,000 as financial obligations to facilitate the successful hosting of the conference.”
Mr. Mensah addressed an appeal particularly to “the current active countries (Holland, Sweden, Belgium and the United Kingdom) to generously contribute generously.” Individual Liberians can also contribute handsomely to help EFLA reach its target of $2,000.
Contributions can be sent to the EFLA account at BNP PARIBAS FORTIS, BE 19 0014 9598 3712, the EFLA secretary general said.
The conference which will be held on December 6-8 in Silver Spring, Maryland, according to Mr. Mensah, aims to strategize and craft the way forward to lobbying more stakeholders including the three branches of the Liberian government.
Titled Dual Citizenship, Immigration and the Future of Liberia, the event is also geared toward enlightening delegates and Liberians at large about the importance of dual citizenship, seeking retribution and justice for victims of the civil war in Liberia, adding that a number of economic issues will also be discussed.